Help Connoquenessing Valley Community Chest in Zelienople
Working Today
Change Tomorrow!
Working Today
Change Tomorrow!
CVCC is proud and honored to serve our community for over 75 years. Over the seven decades plus, there have been many challenges; including this coronavirus pandemic. Despite the ups and downs over the years, the focus has always been to help support those organizations that do so much for our community. We will continue to honor our reason for existing and will work as hard as we can to maintain a connection with residents and businesses alike to make sure we can all help our community thrive and be a place that stands head-and-shoulders above the rest!
In a community where values and community are interwoven, volunteering to support the CV Community Chest is an Honor!
This year’s board, consisting of new and old volunteers alike is made up of a cross-section of our community. Some have businesses in the area, others live here and work elsewhere and yet others were born here while others have moved here from many corners of our country. All working for the same cause; making sure we can work in unity to help organizations within our community stay financially healthy so they can continue their all too important work of supporting the needs of our community.
2022-2023 Annual Fundraising Campaign
You don’t have to travel far to recognize that this community is home to those who know how to give a little back. The spirit and generosity found within our area are second to none.
Despite the negativity heard on the news and the current financial climate we’ve all faced, our community continues to stand strong. Knowing that strength and level of commitment brings us to this year’s campaign. The CVCC is asking that you again consider a pledge to bring hope to several worthy causes. Your donations will help benefit the following organizations:
The Community Park Association
The Southwestern Butler County Food Cupboard
CVCC History
When two dozen community residents founded what then was known as the ZelienopleHarmony Community Chest in 1944, their goal was to promote cooperation between area residents and the welfare, philanthropic, benevolent and social services available at the time. Continued… … In 1961 the named was changed to the Connoquesnessing
CVCC History
When two dozen community residents founded what then was known as the ZelienopleHarmony Community Chest in 1944, their goal was to promote cooperation between area residents and the welfare, philanthropic, benevolent and social services available at the time. Continued… … In 1961 the named was changed to the Connoquesnessing Valley Community Chest (CVCC), and in 1965 by-law changes brought in Jackson and Lancaster Townships as well as a portion of adjoining Beaver County. Along with promoting cooperation between the residents and the organizations available to those residents, the major purpose of the CVCC is raising funds to support the participating organizations, and then distributing those funds in an equitable manner. Funds raised through the annual campaign are for the use of approved nonprofit organizations which serve the local populace. Using all volunteer help, each campaign has been successful through the cooperation of area businesses and industry as well as residents. More than a million and a half dollars have been raised and distributed over the years. Unlike other fundraising campaigns, every dollar given to CVCC is disbursed to those organizations. Moreover, no costs are charged to the campaign as local business and industry underwrite all expenses. We welcome everyone to become a member of our Century Club by making a donation of $100 or more. All contributions are tax deductible. Your donation can be made either by mail – please click the Pledge Form, print it and with your donation mailed them to, CVCC, P. O. Box 343, Zelienople, PA 16063, or you can donate directly from this website – Just look for the Donate button on one of the pages. Any United Way participants may designate the CVCC as the recipient of their contribution. Won’t you please give today so that we may continue this worthwhile tradition? The Connoquenessing Valley Community Chest is always looking for new volunteers. Visit our Contact Us page if you are interested in volunteering, or call (724) 452-4513 for details. Join Today!
Who is The Connoquenessing Valley Community Chest?
The CVCC is a non-profit community organization that provides direct financial help to several organizations within our community – The Community Park, Southwestern Butler County Food Cupboard, Parents In Toto Autism Resource Center and The Zelienople Area Public Library. These organizati
Who is The Connoquenessing Valley Community Chest?
The CVCC is a non-profit community organization that provides direct financial help to several organizations within our community – The Community Park, Southwestern Butler County Food Cupboard, Parents In Toto Autism Resource Center and The Zelienople Area Public Library. These organizations provide year-round training, education, assistance and recreational services to our communities; Zelienople Boro, Harmony Boro, Lancaster & Jackson Townships. We believe that maintaining an active support system within our communities is an essential part of any thriving community. We believe that when the citizens of a community help to maintain the very organizations and services that make a community unique, that involvement directly lifts the spirit and raises the collective consciousness of the citizens of those communities. The CVCC encourages all citizens to participate in our Local Annual Fundraising Campaign. This support ultimately comes back to nourish & encourage who we are as a community. The CVCC Local Annual Fundraising Campaign kicks off every September. For nearly 70 years The CVCC has worked as a fundraising arm for many organizations. Using all volunteer help, the CVCC works to promote cooperation between businesses, residence and these organizations. 100% of contributions go to enable these local organizations to do what they do best; provide services our community could not manage without! You can rest assured that every dollar raised goes to these worthwhile organizations. Your support will and does MAKE A DIFFERENCE! With just a donation of $50 a year ($4.17 per month) you can help The CVCC meet our goal. Won’t you please give today? We are always looking for volunteers. Give us a call or e-mail us. Our doors are always open.
For the 2023-2024 Annual Campaign, CVCC has set the challenge of raising $45,000., the same as last year. We feel that with a concerted effort on the part of our residence and businesses alike, meeting this goal is not only possible but a necessity to help fund the needs within our community.
We will update our running total on this website every month.
We are happy to announce our current level of giving has reached $14,550. as of today (DEC 9th) against our goal of raising $45,000 for this year's campaign - That is 32.333% of our goal.
We invite you to consider giving so that we may raise the funds needed this year to help within our community.
Your generous gift will help us fund local organizations that help us thrive. Together, we can make a difference in our community.